
@JsonDeserialize(using = scala.Predef.classOf[com.casper.sdk.json.deserialize.RPCResultDeserializer]) class RPCResult[T](jsonrpc: String, id: Long, val result: Option[T], val error: Option[RPCError])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T])

Generic RPC Response Class, used to serialize/deserialize RPC Response payloads

Type Params

Casper domaine type to be returned by the RPC request

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(result: T, err: RPCError)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T])

Custom constructor with a generic Capser Result type and an RCPError

Custom constructor with a generic Capser Result type and an RCPError

def this(result: T)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T])
  • Custom constructor with a generic Capser Result type

Concrete fields

val error: Option[RPCError]
val result: Option[T]